窑炉节能工程 新型耐火材料
耐高温预制品 高性能灌浆料
出铁沟用免烘烤捣打料(Al2O3-SiC-C质)0531-88771576 全国热线 jnlm@jnlm.com.cn 邮箱
【性能特点】 采用新型的结合剂,在使用过程中不产生水蒸汽,从而达到捣打施工后无须烘烤即可直接出铁、提高设备运转率的目的。另外由于使用后有更多的残碳产生,可较大幅度地提高捣打料的使用寿命。 本产品可以广泛应用于中、小高炉出铁沟主沟以及需要快速修补的出铁沟所有部位。 施工后勿需烘烤,大大节约了高炉炉前修补时间,提高了高炉炼铁生产率,节省炉前的烘烤设备,减轻了炉前工人的劳动强度和工作量,进而降低了耐材单耗和炼铁生产成本。 【Performance Characteristics】 New type bonding agent is applied without water vapor during the process of using, so as to achieve the purpose of direct iron running after ramming without drying and increasing the running rate of equipment. Moreover, as more carbon residue is produced after using, the service life of ramming material can be greatly enhanced. The product can be widely applicable to the main trough of the iron trough of medium and small high furnaces and all positions of iron runners that demand quick repair. Drying is not needed after construction, so as to greatly shorten the cast-house repair time of high furnace, to improve the iron-making productivity of high furnace, to save the cast-house drying equipment, to lighten the labor intensity and workload of furnace-men, and to reduce the unit consumption of refractory material and the production cost of iron-making. |