窑炉节能工程 新型耐火材料
耐高温预制品 高性能灌浆料
出铁沟用浇注料(Al2O3-SiC-C质)0531-88771576 全国热线 jnlm@jnlm.com.cn 邮箱
【性能特点】 采用优质原料,以超低水泥浇注料技术为基础研制而成。本产品加水量低,易于浇注施工和修补沟衬,具有良好的抗铁水侵蚀和冲刷能力,不粘渣铁,寿命长,吨铁消耗低。本产品适用于高炉出铁沟的主沟、渣沟、支铁沟的浇注和修补以及用做撇渣器的预制件。 使用寿命远高于捣打料,大大节约了高炉炉前修沟时间,提高了高炉炼铁生产率。 【Performance Characteristics】 With high quality raw material applied, the product is developed on the basis of ultra-low cement castable technology. The product has characteristics of low water amount, easy casting construction and liner repair, excellent capacity of liquid iron corrosion and flushing resistance, non-stick of scrap iron, long service life, and low ton iron consumption. The product is applicable to casting and repairing the main trough, slag trough and branch trough of high furnace and used as the prefabricated member of slag skimmer. With a service life much longer than that of ramming material, the cast-house channel repair time of high furnace is greatly shortened and the iron making productivity of high furnace is enhanced. |