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窑炉节能工程   新型耐火材料

耐高温预制品   高性能灌浆料

首页 >> 耐火材料 >>钢铁用耐火材料 >> 电炉炉底干式捣打料






  • 产品说明





1. 在砌好电炉炉底永久衬和炉墙后,清理干净,严禁有杂物,然后加入干式捣打料,每次加料铺平厚度为150mm左右,采用震动器振实或用捣固锤捣固,对新砌炉底,采用风锤捣固,这一方面可提高砌体密度,同时便于采用减少粉尘的措施,即在加完每层打结料后,铺上麻布(或帆布),然后进行打结,捣打方式为每次先圆周向圆心顺时针按同心圆方式捣打,要做到锤锤相加,再从圆心向圆周呈放射形捣打,如此重复三次左右,斜坡部位应支上模胎,同上法捣打至所需厚度,施工结束后,斜坡所用模胎最好不拆除。

2. 炉底打结完后,应用3mm左右废钢板覆盖干式捣打料表面(若斜坡模胎不拆除,只须盖裸露干式捣打料打结层表面),以防使用初期炉料刺伤炉底。

3. 在冶炼初期(特别是开始5-10炉),应先加石灰,再加散料,然后加重质料,并尽可能降低加料高度,适当提高冶炼温度和延长冶炼时间,以保证炉底形成足够的烧结层。

4. 注意炉况观察,每炉出完钢后,需用铁耙探测炉底,同时要特别注意炉坡侵蚀情况,做好维护修补。

5. 炉底或炉坡出现凹坑或局部蚀损时,应采取投补措施,补炉料用原炉底捣打料。

【Performance Characteristics】

The product is produced with high quality composite raw material and multi-element composite additive and agglutinant. It has characteristics of excellent capacity of liquid iron and slag corrosion and flushing resistance, compact sintered layer, long service life, low ton iron consumption, easy construction and repair, energy conservation. The product is applicable to UHP furnace hearth and furnace slope work liner.

Since the furnace hearth and furnace slope encounter the corrosion and flushing of high temperature liquid iron and slag and the mechanical flushing when adding scrap steel, refractory with excellent high temperature performances such as corrosion resistance, flushing resistance and thermal shock resistance etc. should be selected. The product has excellent sintering character to form hard compact layer and excellent high temperature structure strength to guarantee security and reliability during the process of using. Meanwhile, the content of magnesia oxide in base material is enhanced properly to improve the capacity of resisting the corrosion of ferric oxide. Compared with dry type ramming material with high calcium oxide content (18-20%), the sintering transition layer is thinner, so the heat loss of furnace hearth is lower.【Construction Method】

1. When the hearth permanent liner and furnace wall of the electric furnace are built, clean it, and foreign matter is forbidden. Then add dry type ramming material. The paving thickness of material each time is about 150mm. Apply vibrator to vibrate or apply compactor to tamp and apply air hammer tamping to newly built furnace hearth. In this way, not only the density of masonry is enhanced, but also the taking of fine dust reduction measures is facilitated. That is, when the ramming material of each layer is added, lay flax (or canvas), then carry out ramming. The method of ramming is to ram from circumference to center in clockwise according to concentric circle method each time, and each ramming is increased, and then to ram from center to circumference. Repeatedly Repeat the process is for about three times. Mould shall be set up at slope position and rammed to required thickness according to the above method. After the construction, it would be better not to remove the mould used for slope.

2. When the furnace hearth is rammed, cover the surface of the dry type ramming material with scrap steel plate with a thickness of about 3mm (if the mould for slope is not removed, only the exposed surface of dry type ramming layer is covered), so as to prevent the furnace hearth from being damaged when applying initial furnace burden.

3. In the beginning of smelting (especially the first 5-10 furnaces), lime shall be added first and then balk material is added, then heavy material is added. Reduce the height of material adding as much as possible, properly enhance the smelting temperature and extend smelting period, so as to make sure that enough sintering layer is formed at furnace hearth.

4. Pay attention to observing the situation of furnace. When the iron runs from each furnace, use a rake to probe furnace hearth. At the same time, pay special attention to the corrosion situation of furnace slope and carry out maintenance.

5. In case of pitting or local deterioration in furnace hearth or furnace slope, repair measures shall be taken. The original furnace hearth ramming material is applied as repairing mass. 

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