窑炉节能工程 新型耐火材料
耐高温预制品 高性能灌浆料
中间包用干式振动料0531-88771576 全国热线 jnlm@jnlm.com.cn 邮箱
【性能特点】 使用寿命长 用后解体性好,易翻包; 【Performance Characteristics】 The product is produced with high quality main raw material and multi-element composite additive. It has excellent adhesion property, antiknock property, anti-corrosion property and disintegrating property, and is applicable to mechanical painting construction and manual painting construction. The thermal insulation property and anti-knock property of the material are controlled through reasonable grain composition and special fiber dispersion technology; the calcium silicon ratio in the material is controlled to make free CaO and SiO2 in magnesia grain generate C2S during the application of the paint at high temperature to enhance anti-corrosion property, and after application, volume effect is caused by the CaO hydration and C2S crystal transfer during the cooling process of paint residual liner to result in dusting to improve dismantling property; meanwhile, the free CaO during the application of the paint at high temperature can absorb the foreign matters in liquid iron. The product is applicable to the working liner of tundish. |