窑炉节能工程 新型耐火材料
耐高温预制品 高性能灌浆料
钢包工作衬用系列浇注料0531-88771576 全国热线 jnlm@jnlm.com.cn 邮箱
【性能特点】 施工性能、烘烤性能良好,可适应各钢厂的条件,满足大生产的要求,省时、省力、工效高。耐侵蚀,抗剥落,根据钢包使用条件配合渣线料整体浇注,可保持各部位同步,使用寿命大幅度提高,缓解了钢包周转的紧张局面。 高温整体性好,减少了穿包、漏包事故。可实现剥皮套浇,节省材料,降低吨钢耐材消耗。 【Performance Characteristics】 The material has excellent construction property and drying property, can suit the conditions of various steelworks and meet the requirement of large scale production with time saving, labor saving and high work efficiency. It is corrosion resistant and peeling resistant. Integral concreting is carried out according to the using condition of ladle and slag line casting, various positions can be kept synchronous, and service life is greatly enhanced, and the tension situation of ladle turnover is eased. The product has good integrity at high temperature, reducing the accident of ladle puncturing and missing. Peeling casting can be realized to save material and reduce ton steel refractory consumption. |