窑炉节能工程 新型耐火材料
耐高温预制品 高性能灌浆料
新型半干法喷补料0531-88771576 全国热线 jnlm@jnlm.com.cn 邮箱
【性能特点】 以优质主要原料配以多元复合添加剂及烧结剂经精心配制而成的一种高性能补炉料。其显著特点是输送性能好,不堵枪,具有良好的抗钢水和熔渣侵蚀及冲刷能力,形成喷补层结构致密,寿命长,吨钢消耗低,易于施工和修补,节约能源。 GD-1型喷补料在75吨、90吨、100吨超高功率电炉上使用;GZ-1型喷补料在15吨、50吨、80吨、100吨转炉上使用;GB-1型喷补料在90吨、50吨钢包上使用。 【Performance Characteristics】 It is a high performance repairing mass that is carefully prepared with high quality main raw material and multi-element composite additive and agglutinant. The product has obvious characteristics of good transmission performance, no blockage in the gun, excellent capacity of liquid iron and slag corrosion and flushing resistance, forming a gunning layer with compact structure, long service life, low ton iron consumption, easy construction and repair, and energy conservation. Gunning material GD-1 is used for ultra high power electric furnaces of 75-ton, 90-ton and 100-ton; gunning material GZ-1 is used for revolving furnaces of 15-ton, 50-ton, 80-ton and 100-ton; gunning material GB-1 is used for ladles of 90-ton and 50-ton. |